Prison Reentry and
Deportation Resources

EJP Scholarships

The scholarships described below are need-based and can be applied towards educational costs (e.g. tuition, books, fees) at accredited post-secondary institutions. We will post the 2024 applications in Summer 2024. Because the 2024 applications are likely to be similar to the 2023 applications, we are providing the 2023 applications to provide a sense of what the applications require.
Our U.S. Scholarship program is held in the fall. This year the applications are due on November 15, 2024. There are six categories:

Each spring, we host two scholarships competitions for individuals in Mexico. Applications are due on March 31st each year.

Two $10,000 MXN scholarships will be awarded to a person formerly incarcerated in a prison in Mexico or in the U.S. and two scholarships of the same amount will be awarded to a person deported from the U.S. to Mexico or to the immediate family member of someone who was deported from the U.S. to Mexico.
These need-based scholarships provide support for study at secondary or post-secondary institutions in the U.S. or Mexico.